Board of Advisors

Celebrating more than 40 Years of Leadership in Security.

Mary Rose McCaffrey

Former Vice President, Security,
Northrop Grumman Corporation

Mary Rose McCaffrey is a high performing strategic executive with security experience in government and private industry. Demonstrated expertise in delivery of security programs, risk and crisis-management, program execution. insider threat programs, alliance building and communication with all stakeholders to find initiative-taking solutions.
Ms. McCaffrey was the Vice President, Security, Northrop Grumman Corporation for seven years enabling people and security for space, aeronautics, defense, and cyberspace to meet the ever-evolving needs of customers worldwide. Northrop Grumman created a world class crisis management organization winning the ISOS resilience award in 2019. Ms. McCaffrey is enthusiastic about enabling partnerships between government and industry for common solutions.

Prior to her time at Northrop Grumman, Ms. McCaffrey held an extensive career at the Central Intelligence Agency spanning over thirty years where she started as an intelligence officer and culminated with her appointment as the first female Director of Security. She held numerous assignments across the Intelligence Community, the Department of Defense, Department of the Navy, the National Reconnaissance Organization, and the Office of Director of National Intelligence in senior security positions.

At the NRO, she was responsible for combining the organizations of counterintelligence and security into a single entity to better serve the agency mission. At the ODNI, she participated in the creation of the original ODNI structure in 2003. She’s been widely regarded as a role model and trailblazer for women within national security, thanks to her exceptional leadership and groundbreaking professional accomplishments.

Ms. McCaffrey has a bachelor’s degree from St. Michael’s College, Colchester, VT and has completed numerous leadership programs including the Kellogg School, Northwestern University, MIT, and government programs. She’s the recipient of several awards including the DCIA’s Distinguished Career Intelligence Medal in June 2017, the Presidential Rank Award in October 2015, the National Intelligence Reform Medal in November 2008, and the National Reconnaissance Leadership Award in 2006.

She is currently on the Board of Advisors for the Council on Intelligence Issues and is the President of the SIGNA Society, a CIA retiree association. She has served on numerous boards including the OSAC Board of Advisors, the INSA Security Policy and Reform and was a member of the Aerospace Industries Association, National Defense Industry Association, and the American Society of Industrial Security.